⛔ ब्रह्मपुरीतील तरुण युवक आणि युवतींनो सिम फक्त ऑफिसिअल स्टोर वरूनच घ्या..ऑफर च्या नावाखाली तुमच्या नावावर दुसरी सिम ऍक्टिव्ह केली जात आहे. त्या सीम च गैर वापर केल जाऊ शकते.. मुलीनो तुमच नंबर लिक केल जाऊ शकते आणि गोळा सुद्धा केल जाऊ शकते. - बातमी एक्सप्रेस जाहीर सूचना

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Big News: पुन्हा वाघाच्या हल्ल्यात महिला ठार | Batmi Express

Mulchera,Gadchiroli,Gadchiroli News,Gadchiroli Tiger Attack,Gadchiroli live,Gadchiroli Today,

Mulchera,Gadchiroli,Gadchiroli News,Gadchiroli Tiger Attack,Gadchiroli live,Gadchiroli Today,

: गडचिरोली जिल्ह्याच्या दक्षिण भागात आता वाघाने धुमाकुळ माजवला असून कापूस वेचत असतांना दबा धरून बसलेल्या वाघाने अचानक हल्ला करुन ठार केल्याची घटना एक संक्रांतीच्या दिवशी 15 जानेवारी 2024 रोजा सायंकाळच्या सुमारास घडली. रमाबाई शंकर मुंजमकर रा. कोळसापुर (वय 55) असे महिलेचे नाव आहे.

मृतक रमाबाई ह्या घरलगत कापूस वेचणी करत होते. दरम्यान दबा धरून बसलेल्या वाघाने त्यांच्यावर हल्ला करत नरडीचा घोट घेत ठार केले. वाघाने हल्ला करून रामबाईस फरफटत लगतच्या जंगल परिसरात सुमारे 200 फूट फरफटत नेल्याचे कळते. सुरुवातीला घटनेबाबत कोणालाही कळले नव्हते. मृतक चा मुलगा आठवडी बाजार करून घरी परतला असता घरात आई कुठेही दिसून न आल्याने लगतच्या कापसाच्या शेतात त्याने जाऊन बघितले असता रक्ताने माखलेली साडी दिसून आली. घटनेबाबत गावकऱ्यांना माहिती होताच परिसरात शोधाशोध करतांना मृतदेहच आढळून आला. याबाबत वनविभागाला कळवताच वन कर्मचारी व पोलीस दाखल झाले. सदर घटनेने परिसरात दहशत पसरली असून नागरिकांकडून रोष व्यक्त केले जात आहे.

Mulchera: In the southern part of Gadchiroli district, a tiger is now on the prowl and while picking cotton, a tiger suddenly attacked and killed it on a Sankranthi day on January 15, 2024 in the evening. Ramabai Shankar Munjamkar Res. The woman's name is Kolsapur (age 55).

The deceased was picking cotton near the house of Ramabai. Meanwhile, the tiger, which was sitting on the ground, attacked them and killed Nardi by biting him. It is learned that the tiger attacked Rambais and dragged him about 200 feet into the nearby forest area. Initially no one knew about the incident. When the son of the deceased returned home from the weekly market, as the mother was nowhere to be seen in the house, he went to the nearby cotton field and saw a blood-stained saree. As soon as the villagers came to know about the incident, the dead body was found while searching the area. As soon as the forest department was informed about this, the forest staff and the police arrived. The said incident has spread terror in the area and citizens are expressing their anger. In the southern part of Gadchiroli district, a tiger is now on the prowl and while picking cotton, a tiger suddenly attacked and killed it on a Sankranthi day on January 15, 2024 in the evening. Ramabai Shankar Munjamkar Res. The woman's name is Kolsapur (age 55).

The deceased was picking cotton near the house of Ramabai. Meanwhile, the tiger, which was sitting on the ground, attacked them and killed Nardi by biting him. It is learned that the tiger attacked Rambais and dragged him about 200 feet into the nearby forest area. Initially no one knew about the incident. When the son of the deceased returned home from the weekly market, as the mother was nowhere to be seen in the house, he went to the nearby cotton field and saw a blood-stained saree. As soon as the villagers came to know about the incident, the dead body was found while searching the area. As soon as the forest department was informed about this, the forest staff and the police arrived. The said incident has spread terror in the area and citizens are expressing their anger.

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